
Theme Transformation in nature - plants
Target Group 5 years (activities can be adapted for older students)
Non-linguistic subjects Sciences/botanic, art and craft
Length Approximately 45 minutes to 1 hour depending on the activity. This time frame varies according to activity and student age (for younger students sessions can last 30 to 45 minutes). This sequence is broken down into three sessions. The number of sessions varies according to the objectives of the teacher and the needs of class.
Content Non-linguistic subjects
  • Discovering plants
  • Discovering fruits and vegetables
  • Transformation in plants
  • Planting to eat
  Foreign Language
  • Adjectives: description and the growing of plants
  • Names of the parts of a bean and a sprout
  • Names of fruits and vegetables
  • Vocabulary: expressing taste
Ability Non-linguistic subjects
  • identify the parts of a bean/sprout
  • identify fruits and vegetables
  • observe and comment on the transformation of the plant
  • know the life cycle of a plant
  Foreign language
  • understand what the teacher says on the theme Plants
  • name the parts of the plant
  • name fruits and vegetables
  • describe the life process of a plant through manipulation and observations
  • use certain descriptive structures… It is; It isn’t…
  • use certain structures to express taste…I like; I don’t like; It’s yucky/yummy…
 Objectives Educational
  • develop awareness of the cycle of life
  • understand the importance of plants in man’s survival
  • develop respect for the environment
  • understand that different plants grow in different parts of the world.
  • understand the these differences are to be appreciated
Prerequisites Non-lingual subjects
Grundkenntnisse über Tiere
  Foreign language
  • Knowledge of certain key words will require a vocabulary session before beginning the 1st session: fruits, vegetables, plant, tree…
erarbeitet von Zephrine ROYER